

FAQ Account

  • What is Qnumber ?

    Qnumber is a unique user number to identify when user transfers money to Qoo10 bank account and when user applies event and use Qtalk to call directly.

    Customer can check Qnumber on personal info under MyQoo10.  


    .Web : MyQoo10 > My info > Personal Info > Qnumber


    .Mobile Apps : Qbox > My Info > Personal Info > Qnumber

  • What is Q·stamp?

    Q·stamp is the benefit provided by Qoo10 and sellers to increase customer loyalty.

    Customers are able to enjoy various events Qoo10 is providing with Q·stamp they earned such as exchanging Qpoint with Qstamps and participating lucky draw events etc.

    If you want to know the related event for Qstamps, kindly click HERE.

  • I lost my ID/Password

    If you have forgotten your Qoo10 ID or password, please click the link below.

    Yes, I lost my ID

    Input any of the following registered info: Name, Birthdate, Mobile/Phone Number and your ID/Email can be retrieved

    Yes, I lost my password

    For password, please input either your Qoo10 ID or email that you've used upon registration and click on confirm button.
    Then click on ‘Get Password-Reset Email’ button and an email will be sent to you for resetting your password.
    This e-mail is valid only 24hours due to the security reasons.

    Then the relevant info will be shown and click on Get password reset mail and an email will be sent to you. Please check the email and click on URL to set up the new password. This email is valid only 24hours due to the security reasons.

    However, if you can’t access to your registered email or can’t remember it, you can change the password by confirming account owner via SMS.

    If you input your mobile phone no. or it shows your registered number, please click on Get confirm Code.
    You need to key in confirm code via SMS and click on Change password.

  • What is Qpoint and how to use?

    Registered buyers can earn Qoo10 Qpoint by clicking "confirm delivery" button in [Shopping List].

    Please remember that you should click on "confirm delivery" button to confirm that the item has been delivered successfully.

    You will receive Qpoint equivalent to 1% of your purchase price (i.e. S$5.00 purchase = 5 points) up to maximum of 5 Qpoints per purchase. (Minimum purchase amount S$3)

    Qpoint can be used to waive the payment upon ordering at the payment page.

    Kindly check the conditions to use Qpoint.

    1. Maximum up to 30% of the total purchase amount is able to waive off by Qpoint, minimum required Qpoint is 100 up to 500 points.

    2. Qpoint application is based on 100 points per unit.(100 Qpoints equivalent for S$1.00).

    3. Usable Qpoint: the Qpoint must be obtained from purchase which has marked as delivered for more than 7 days.

  • How can I use discount coupon?

    You can find the button "Use my coupons " next to the item price. If you click the button you may check the available coupons you have and apply.

    1. Please click the coupon button and purchase an item before closing the corresponding window.

    2. Please check the expiration date, discount rate/amount, and conditions.

    3. Discount coupon will be applied only on one item. (one item type) but Cart coupon will be applied on several items in your cart at once.

    4. Minimum purchase should be more than the original single selling price on the item page. (option price and shipping price are not included)

    5. You cannot use a discount coupon to purchase an auction item.

    6. It is impossible to apply the coupon on the discounted item.(Cannot be overlapped)

    7. Please note that coupons will not be restored when you cancel or return the items.

    8. For the shipping coupon, it is based on lowest shipping price only.
    ( If there is the option for free shipping provided by the seller, shipping coupon can not be applied)

  • How do I get Q·stamps?

    Q-stamps is the benefit provided by Qoo10 and sellers to increase customer loyalty.

    Customers are able to exchange 1 Q-stamp to 10 Qpoints on Qlounge and charge Qtalk Callpoint with Q-stamps (it cannot revert exchanged Qtalk Callpoints into Q-stamps).

    Customers are also able to get the item from Q-chance Sale by exchanging Q-stamps for items at no cost.
    If you would like to see how many Q·stamps you have, please go to My Qoo10 - Q-account - Q-stamp

    There are various ways to get Q·stamps.

    1. Purchasing items on site: Q·stamps will be issued once the customer completes order, if the seller applied Q·stamps as a promotion to the item. The customer is able to check on the item description page if the Q·stamps are applied to the item by the seller (Feedback Reward).

    2. Participating events : Participate events Qoo10 is providing to win discount coupons, Q·stamps, MameQ and Callpoints every day.

    To go to event page

  • Buyer Grade Information

    Members' accumulated credit points are used to determine one’s membership level.

    Membership level standard conditions:
    1. Not accountable by the quantity of the item but by the purchase of each different item for purchase order.
    2. Net purchase amount is accounted for the actual amount spent. It may differ from the purchase item total.
    3. If there is a high rate of cancelled orders, membership upgrade is not possible.
    4. Changes in the level of membership take effect on the 1st day of every month.

    You can check your credit point on MyQoo10 > My info > My credit point > click on details.

    1. Buyer Grade Information

    2. Details of issued or deducted for the credit points.

  • What is Q·cash?

    Q·cash is a kind of cyber credits for seller's account only that you can use at Qoo10 to perform your sales and promotion activities.

    You cannot purchase items with Q-cash, but you can use Q-cash to advertise your item, such as plus item, auction, and etc.

    To purchse Q-cash, please go to My Qoo10 > Qaccount > Qcash > Qcash purchase. (100 Q∙Cash = S$1 )

  • What is Qtoken?

    Qtoken enable users to participate in events

    How to receive Qtoken

    1. Rate premium review: Rate the helpfulness of a premium review.
    2. Subscribe to Qoo10 newsletter
    3. Share an item: Click on ‘Share’ button in item description page under title image.
    4. Share discount coupon: Send your coupon as a gift to friends.

    How to use Qtoken:

    Participate in lucky auction with Qtokens. For lucky auction, click HERE

  • MameQ

    What is MameQ?

    MameQ is a special benefit from Qoo10 which can be earned by joining in our events. It is used for bidding in Lucky Auction / Lucky Price.

    There are three types of MameQ: Green Silver Gold

    Todays Lucky Price Item bid = Green MameQ. Other bid requirements are indicated in

    How to get MameQs

    1. Roulette Q : You can earn MameQs by playing our RouletteQ for a chance to win

    2. Attendance Prize : Log in everyday to Qoo10 and click on Attendance card stamp to to receive Qpoint(s).

    Do MameQs expire?

    Yes. MameQ(s) has a validity of 6 months. It will expire on the last day of that month.

    You can check the expiration date of your MameQ(s) by going to MyQoo10 > Qtoken/MameQ > Expiring soon

  • What is Q-Ticket?

    Q-ticket allows the user to join any event.

    The amount of Qticket the user has will determine the number of chances the user is able to participate in an event.

    You will receive a Q-ticket for any purchase of order. (min order $1.00, within 15 days)

    Daily attendance Q-ticket is valid until 12pm the next day and you can play RouletteQ up to 3 times per day.

    For more info, click on the following URL.


  • What are the benefits of Review?

    The Benefit of Reviews

    Initial Review
    . For normal review (without photo/video) : 1% of the actual paid amount of Qpoints (including the applied discount coupon) will be issued.(Min 3 Qpoints to max 5 Qpoints)
    . For photo review (with photo/video) :The reward of Photo Review is only available when the seller sets the Photo Review.

    **Edit from normal to Photo Review: 3 points to 5 Qpoints (from normal review) + Bonus Qpoints (photo/video addition)**

    Issued Qpoints can be viewed in the MyQoo10 > Qaccount > Q-point

    Normal Review: Item Review (Order no. 123456789)
    Photo Review : Photo Review (Order no. 123456789)


    . Normal review can be edited to photo review by submitting a photo/video.
    . The photo cannot be deleted in the photo review.
    . Newly updated context from normal to photo review is reflected.

    If multiple orders have been made of the same item code on the same day of purchase, Qpoints is rewarded only once.

    (The benefits may change depending on the circumstance)

  • How to create a seller account?

    If you are already registered as a buyer, click below and log into the seller registration page.

                                                Seller registeration

  • I can’t access Qcoin password reset page. (Error : Customer info is invalid)