SG 1st TCM Manufacturer (GMP Certified)
Yi Shi Yuan was established in 1983 and is committed to the research and manufacturing of Chinese proprietary medicine and health care products. Our company is the first TCM manufacturer licensed by health sciences authority (HSA) in Singapore and is GMP certified. The medicines and health products of Yi Shi Yuan are distributed in the local and overseas markets and have received good reviews from the consumers.We uphold the integrity of "producing medicine with conscience” and aim to provide healthier and more effective Chinese proprietary medicines and health products for our consumers.憶思源成立于1983年,致力投入于中成药与保健品的研发与制造。本公司是受新加坡卫生科学局(HSA),在本地所批准的第一间中药厂,也获得GMP认证。憶思源的成药与保健品都分销于本地及海外市场,深受好评。秉持着 "用良心制良药" 的理念,本公司坚持将更优良、更具疗效的药品带给所需要的人。-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------胃宝丸 60's Gastri Ease促进脾胃健康,改善消化与便秘。Promote stomach health, improve digestion and constipation.---------Benefits----------
Action:Resolve dampness with aromatic drugs, improve appetite and promote digestion, replenish qi (vital energy) and invigorate the spleen, regulate the flow of qi (vital energy).功能:芳香化湿,开胃止呕,益气健脾,理气和中。
Indications:Stomach pain, poor digestion, acid reflux, abdominal bloating, constipation and heat in the stomach. 主治:胃痛,消化不良,胃酸过多,肚腹胀风,胃热便秘。----------Ingredients----------炒白芍 Radix Paeoniae Alba Praeparata炒白术 Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae Praeparata大黄 Radix Et Rhizoma Rhei茯苓 Poria瓜蒌仁 Semen Trichosanthis青皮 Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride山楂 Fructus Crataegi枳实 Fructus Aurantii Immaturus----------Recommended Dosage----------Recommended Dosage:Take 5 capsules, 1-2 times daily.建议用量:每日服1-2次,每次5粒 。----------Caution----------Avoid greasy and irritated food. Avoid use in pregnant women.谨慎建议:避免过于辛辣,油腻的食物。孕妇忌服。BUY FROM US WITH CONFIDENCE TODAY!