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Dot to Dot the Journey of Happy Learning

欢迎来到 小Book点 | littlebookdot,本书店的书籍涉及的主题多样化,肯定有一本适合您。小Book点秉持着的信念是:每一本都是为小孩量身打造的礼物。希望您可以在这里寻觅到专属您的孩子的礼物,并由这份礼物打开孩子对着世界的想象力,并为将来的学习旅程打下一个良好的基础。

We are a registered Singapore Online Bookstore selling Chinese story books, sticker books, art and crafts books for children. Please visit us at www.littlebookdot.com and like our facebook www.facebook.com/littlebookdot to receive information on latest collections and promotions!

We understand that learning Mandarin can be challenging for kids. That is why all our books are carefully selected, reviewed with short summarized introduction. We believe that no one but the parents know what is best for their little one. Have fun shopping and you will find something they love here.


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